Should I Divorce My Wife

The decision to divorce your wife can be made more complicated if your wife does not want a divorce.  You need to talk to your wife and tell her why you feel the marriage is not working. It is not up to your wife to grant you divorce and you don’t need permission from a court to file for divorce

How Divorce Works

I Want A Divorce But My Wife Can’t Support Herself

Should I Divorce My WifeThe court will grant you a divorce if you file for divorce without considering the fact that your wife does not want a divorce. Once the court grants a divorce, your marriage ends.  But before the divorce is finalized all issues involving property division, child custody, and child support must be ironed out.

So, sometimes the wife may try to delay the divorce process by making the negotiations difficult. The divorce can only be finalized once you settle issues concerning child custody, property division, visitation schedules, and alimony. She can make the process last as long as the two of you can afford to pay for lawyers.

Usually when one partner does not want a divorce, one of the options the other partner has is to settle for a litigated divorce. A litigated divorce involves going to court, is more expensive, and the process lasts longer than an uncontested divorce. To avoid a drawn-out battle that comes with a hefty price tag, you will need to get your spouse to cooperate.

I Want A Divorce But My Wife Doesn’t

Can A Man Divorce His Wife

An amicable or peaceful divorce is possible through mediation. Mediation involves a neutral party coming in and helping the spouses reach a divorce settlement that serves both their interests and the interests of their children.

A mediator should:

  • Be able to help both spouses discuss your future without arguing or fighting
  • Help spouse build trust so that the negotiations can be open and transparent
  • Guide the spouses into making decisions that are in the best interests of their children and their mutual best interest

The point of mediation is to empower the spouses to come to a fair and peaceful agreement. This process is cheaper than litigated divorce and takes a shorter time than the standard divorce process.  Mediation allows the spouses to get what they want or need without putting the wealth they worked for at risk.

A mediated divorce will sound better to your wife if she doesn’t want a divorce.

Convincing Your Wife To Agree To Mediated Divorce

You can convince your wife that mediation is the right option by:

  • You have to help your wife come to the realization that nothing will change your mind about wanting a divorce
  • Convince your wife that divorce mediation is the better option for both of you and the children
  • Explain why settlements reached in mediation are fairer and more equitable than what you would get from a litigated divorce
  • Point out how cost-effective and peaceful divorce mediation is compared to other types of divorce such as litigated divorce
  • Reassure your spouse that your decision to file for divorce was not a decision you arrived at easily.